
Artificial Eyes’ Guide To Microphthalmia

Studies suggest that the incidence of microphthalmia in Australia is approximately 6 to 13 per 100,000 births. At Artificial Eyes, we take great pride in our commitment to empowering people through our hand-crafted prosthetics. We provide a safe, confidence-restoring cosmetic solution to those with microphthalmia, offering comfortable, life-like prosthetics, polishing and cleaning services, and comprehensive support. If you or your child has microphthalmia, have a chat with the Artificial Eyes team and find out what we can do for you.

What Is Microphthalmia?

Microphthalmia is an eye abnormality in which one or both of the eyeballs are abnormally small. In some cases, the eyeball may appear to be completely missing. However, individuals with microphthalmia will have eye tissue present, whereas individuals born without an eyeball are recognised as having anophthalmia, which is a separate condition. Microphthalmia arises before birth and is typically diagnosed before or just after birth. Depending on the severity of their condition, individuals with microphthalmia may or may not have significant vision loss.

What Are Your Cosmetic Options For Microphthalmia?

At Artificial Eyes, we’re passionate about empowering our clients to feel confident with prosthetic eyes. We have cosmetic options available for both children and adults with microphthalmia.

  • 0-2 years. Before the age of two, children can wear clear conformers, making the eye socket look black. These conformers aren’t painted to look like a natural eye as growing children need them replaced too frequently. Until they turn two, a child will need their conformers replaced every few weeks to accommodate the growth of their face and eye socket.
  • 2-10 years. After two years old, a child will be fitted with a prosthesis painted to look like a natural eye. This prosthesis will need to be changed 3-4 times before the age of 10 to accommodate growth.
  • 10-adults. Once a child is ten years old, an occultist will be able to advise the next steps for the prosthesis. Typically, less painted prosthetics will be needed as the child grows older.

If You’re Looking For Cosmetic Solutions For Microphthalmia, Head To Artificial Eyes

At Artificial Eyes, it’s our passion to help clients feel confident, comfortable, and complete. Our ocularists hand-craft each prosthetic eye to create the perfect custom match for the clients’ companion eye. We take great pride in our impeccable attention to detail, and we’re committed to helping you take care of your prosthesis. The Artificial Eyes team is renowned for our professional, compassionate prosthetics services, and we’ll go above and beyond to restore your confidence and provide you with ongoing support. To learn more about cosmetic options for microphthalmia, contact the team at Artificial Eyes today.